History Western Civilization: Lesson 165 Essay- (1) “What were some of the problems associated with the Renaissance papacy?” (2) “We normally think of three people in particular as having been the key artists of the High Renaissance. Who were they? Discuss one major work from each.”

One major problem was that the Popes were not concerned with carrying out Church reform. They were too worried about regaining territory or art. Some of the Popes engaged in nepotism. Nepotism is when you appoint your family members to offices around you. Two of the Popes who used nepotism were Calixtus III and Sixtus IV. Sixtus IV also appointed unworthy people to the college of cardinals. Some of the Popes had children, which Popes are not supposed to do. An example of this was Pope Alexander VI. He had many illegitimate and legitimate children. He did not try to hide immoral conduct with women either.

The three great artists of the High Renaissance were Michelangelo, Raphael, and Leonardo da Vinci. One major painting by Leonardo da Vinci was The Last Supper. The painting was still interesting and dramatic even though it was just Jesus telling the disciples that one of them would betray Him while they all sat around a table. Unfortunately the painting deteriorated severely due to a bad type of paint. Pope Julius II told Raphael to decorate the Stanza Della Signitura. Raphael’s objective was to show the harmony between Christianity and the classical world, which he portrayed well. Both Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael were primarily painters, but Michelangelo, the third great artist, was a sculptor. Michelangelo’s specialty was marble carving. One of Michelangelo’s best works was the Pietá. The Pietá was a marble sculpture depicting Jesus’ mother holding dead Jesus in her arms.

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