History Western Civilization 2: Lesson 30 Essay- (1) “What was the Glorious Revolution? Why was it significant in English history?” (2) “On what grounds does Locke believe people can establish a claim to property ownership over a previously unowned good?” (3) “Why does Locke believe absolute monarchy fails to resolve the ‘inconveniences’ of the state of nature?”

The Glorious Revolution happened because King James II was Catholic and had a Catholic heir. The English people didn’t want to have a Catholic ruler. James’ son-in-law, William of Orange, was urged to save England. William ended up going back to England with his wife Mary, then James left England. This was called the “Glorious Revolution” because there was nearly no blood shed compared to other wars. There was very little blood shed because James chickened out and he did not try to defend his kingship.

Locke believed people could establish a claim to property ownership over a previously unowned good by homesteading that good. His definition of homesteading was to mix one’s labor with the desired good to imprint something of your personality on the good. Once you had homesteaded something it belonged to you. This only applies to objects that were previously unowned.

Locke believed an absolute monarch fails to resolve the inconveniences of the state of nature because any dispute with an absolute monarch will end up with the the king siding in his own favor. Basically any problem you have with the king will not be solved since the king will always side in his own favor.

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