Daily Archives: September 13, 2017

Business 1: Lesson 115 Writing Assignment – “Write at least five student benefits of the Ron Paul Curriculum that I missed in the 26 Reasons landing page.”

Student Benefit #1:  The Ron Paul Curriculum is flexible.
This curriculum is based on lessons that are always available to students.  There are no scheduled class times.  This allows students to do their lessons at any time of the day.
Student Benefit #2:  The Ron Paul Curriculum teaches self-discipline.
Teachers do not impose deadlines for assignments in this curriculum.  There are recommended schedules for completing assignments, but these don’t enforce negative sanctions on slackers.  This means students must impose their own deadlines, whether it is the same as the teacher’s recommended deadline or not.  The student must pace himself and stay on track.  I learned self-discipline the hard way.  I was falling behind in my courses one lesson at a time.  One day, my  Dad asked me what lesson number I was on.  He wasn’t happy with my reply because I had fallen behind.  It was embarrassing having my dad call me out in front of my whole family, but I was glad he did it.  He explained that the total amount of classes I have to complete won’t change, so slacking off only postpones my responsibilities.  Now I am playing catch up.  Don’t be like me.  It was easy to stay on track, but I would always make an excuse, like the waves are really good today I’ll surf now and do that class tomorrow along with other ones.  The problem is I never caught all the way up.  I am just now starting to make progress and I am getting relatively close to caught up.
Student Benefit #3:  The Ron Paul Curriculum provides students with more spare time than public school.
When I attended public school, I spent nine hours on the school bus, at school, and on homework.  It takes about five to seven hours per day on a Monday through Friday schedule with the Ron Paul Curriculum (as long as you aren’t super meticulous).
Student Benefit #4:  Students can finish high school through the Ron Paul Curriculum before public school students can.
All public school students are locked into the same schedule of finishing high school the year they turn 18.  With the Ron Paul Curriculum, students can finish before they turn 18.  Students can achieve this by doing lessons on Saturdays, or by doing more than five lessons on week days.
Student Benefit #5:  The Ron Paul Curriculum comes with a recommended schedule, in case you don’t have your own.
The teachers of the Ron Paul Curriculum advise doing five lessons of different courses daily, Monday through Friday.  This saves you some thinking if you didn’t already have your own schedule.  The recommended schedule is similar to that of public schools, but there are no “filler classes” such as P.E., study hall, and recess.
If you want to learn more about the Ron Paul Curriculum click this link: https://www.ronpaulcurriculum.com/public/6071.cfm